maps-utils.ts 9.9 KB
/// Copyright © 2016-2020 The Thingsboard Authors
/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
/// limitations under the License.

import L from 'leaflet';
import { FormattedData, MarkerSettings, PolygonSettings, PolylineSettings } from './map-models';
import { Datasource } from '@app/shared/models/widget.models';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { Observable, Observer, of } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { createLabelFromDatasource, hashCode, isNumber, isUndefined, padValue } from '@core/utils';

export function createTooltip(target: L.Layer,
    settings: MarkerSettings | PolylineSettings | PolygonSettings,
    datasource: Datasource,
    content?: string | HTMLElement
): L.Popup {
    const popup = L.popup();
    target.bindPopup(popup, { autoClose: settings.autocloseTooltip, closeOnClick: false });
    if (settings.showTooltipAction === 'hover') {'click');
        target.on('mouseover', () => {
        target.on('mouseout', () => {
    target.on('popupopen', () => {
      bindPopupActions(popup, settings, datasource);
    return popup;

export function bindPopupActions(popup: L.Popup, settings: MarkerSettings | PolylineSettings | PolygonSettings,
                                 datasource: Datasource) {
  const actions = popup.getElement().getElementsByClassName('tb-custom-action');
    (element: HTMLElement) => {
      const actionName = element.getAttribute('data-action-name');
      if (element && settings.tooltipAction[actionName]) {
        element.onclick = ($event) =>
          settings.tooltipAction[actionName]($event, datasource);
          return false;

export function getRatio(firsMoment: number, secondMoment: number, intermediateMoment: number): number {
    return (intermediateMoment - firsMoment) / (secondMoment - firsMoment);

export function interpolateOnLineSegment(
  pointA: FormattedData,
  pointB: FormattedData,
  latKeyName: string,
  lngKeyName: string,
  ratio: number
): { [key: string]: number } {
   return {
    [latKeyName]: (pointA[latKeyName] + (pointB[latKeyName] - pointA[latKeyName]) * ratio),
    [lngKeyName]: (pointA[lngKeyName] + (pointB[lngKeyName] - pointA[lngKeyName]) * ratio)

export function findAngle(startPoint: FormattedData, endPoint: FormattedData, latKeyName: string, lngKeyName: string): number {
  if(isUndefined(startPoint) || isUndefined(endPoint)){
    return 0;
  let angle = -Math.atan2(endPoint[latKeyName] - startPoint[latKeyName], endPoint[lngKeyName] - startPoint[lngKeyName]);
  angle = angle * 180 / Math.PI;
  return parseInt(angle.toFixed(2), 10);

export function getDefCenterPosition(position) {
    if (typeof (position) === 'string')
        return position.split(',');
    if (typeof (position) === 'object')
        return position;
    return [0, 0];

const imageAspectMap = {};

function imageLoader(imageUrl: string): Observable<HTMLImageElement> {
  return new Observable((observer: Observer<HTMLImageElement>) => {
    const image = document.createElement('img'); // support IE = 'absolute'; = '-99999px'; = '-99999px';
    image.onload = () => {;
    image.onerror = err => {
    image.src = imageUrl;

export function aspectCache(imageUrl: string): Observable<number> {
  if (imageUrl?.length) {
    const hash = hashCode(imageUrl);
    let aspect = imageAspectMap[hash];
    if (aspect) {
      return of(aspect);
    else return imageLoader(imageUrl).pipe(map(image => {
      aspect = image.width / image.height;
      imageAspectMap[hash] = aspect;
      return aspect;

export type TranslateFunc = (key: string, defaultTranslation?: string) => string;

const varsRegex = /\${([^}]*)}/g;
const linkActionRegex = /<link-act name=['"]([^['"]*)['"]>([^<]*)<\/link-act>/g;
const buttonActionRegex = /<button-act name=['"]([^['"]*)['"]>([^<]*)<\/button-act>/g;

function createLinkElement(actionName: string, actionText: string): string {
  return `<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="tb-custom-action" data-action-name=${actionName}>${actionText}</a>`;

function createButtonElement(actionName: string, actionText: string) {
  return `<button mat-button class="tb-custom-action" data-action-name=${actionName}>${actionText}</button>`;

function parseTemplate(template: string, data: { $datasource?: Datasource, [key: string]: any },
                       translateFn?: TranslateFunc) {
  let res = '';
  try {
    if (translateFn) {
      template = translateFn(template);
    template = createLabelFromDatasource(data.$datasource, template);

    let match = varsRegex.exec(template);
    while (match !== null) {
      const variable = match[0];
      let label = match[1];
      let valDec = 2;
      const splitValues = label.split(':');
      if (splitValues.length > 1) {
        label = splitValues[0];
        valDec = parseFloat(splitValues[1]);

      if (label.startsWith('#')) {
        const keyIndexStr = label.substring(1);
        const n = Math.floor(Number(keyIndexStr));
        if (String(n) === keyIndexStr && n >= 0) {
          label = data.$datasource.dataKeys[n].label;

      const value = data[label] || '';
      let textValue: string;
      if (isNumber(value)) {
        textValue = padValue(value, valDec);
      } else {
        textValue = value;
      template = template.split(variable).join(textValue);
      match = varsRegex.exec(template);

    let actionTags: string;
    let actionText: string;
    let actionName: string;
    let action: string;

    match = linkActionRegex.exec(template);
    while (match !== null) {
      [actionTags, actionName, actionText] = match;
      action = createLinkElement(actionName, actionText);
      template = template.split(actionTags).join(action);
      match = linkActionRegex.exec(template);

    match = buttonActionRegex.exec(template);
    while (match !== null) {
      [actionTags, actionName, actionText] = match;
      action = createButtonElement(actionName, actionText);
      template = template.split(actionTags).join(action);
      match = buttonActionRegex.exec(template);

    const compiled = _.template(template);
    res = compiled(data);
  } catch (ex) {
    console.log(ex, template)
  return res;

export const parseWithTranslation = {

  translateFn: null,

  translate(key: string, defaultTranslation?: string): string {
    if (this.translateFn) {
      return this.translateFn(key, defaultTranslation);
    } else {
      throw console.error('Translate not assigned');
  parseTemplate(template: string, data: object, forceTranslate = false): string {
    return parseTemplate(forceTranslate ? this.translate(template) : template, data, this.translate.bind(this));
  setTranslate(translateFn: TranslateFunc) {
    this.translateFn = translateFn;

export function parseData(input: any[]): FormattedData[] {
  return _(input).groupBy(el => el?.datasource?.entityName)
    .values().value().map((entityArray, i) => {
      const obj = {
        entityName: entityArray[0]?.datasource?.entityName,
        $datasource: entityArray[0]?.datasource as Datasource,
        dsIndex: i,
        deviceType: null
      entityArray.filter(el => => {
        obj[el?.dataKey?.label] = el?.data[0][1];
        obj[el?.dataKey?.label + '|ts'] = el?.data[0][0];
        if (el?.dataKey?.label === 'type') {
          obj.deviceType = el?.data[0][1];
      return obj;

export function parseArray(input: any[]): any[] {
  return _(input).groupBy(el => el?.datasource?.entityName)
    .values().value().map((entityArray, dsIndex) =>
      entityArray[0], i) => {
        const obj = {
          entityName: entityArray[0]?.datasource?.entityName,
          $datasource: entityArray[0]?.datasource,
          dsIndex: i,
          time: el[0],
          deviceType: null
        entityArray.filter(e => &&[i]).forEach(entity => {
          obj[entity?.dataKey?.label] = entity?.data[i][1];
          obj[entity?.dataKey?.label + '|ts'] = entity?.data[0][0];
          if (entity?.dataKey?.label === 'type') {
            obj.deviceType = entity?.data[0][1];
        return obj;

export function parseFunction(source: any, params: string[] = ['def']): (...args: any[]) => any {
  let res = null;
  if (source?.length) {
    try {
      res = new Function(...params, source);
    catch (err) {
      res = null;
  return res;

export function safeExecute(func: (...args: any[]) => any, params = []) {
  let res = null;
  if (func && typeof (func) === 'function') {
    try {
      res = func(...params);
    catch (err) {
      console.log('error in external function:', err);
      res = null;
  return res;

export function calculateNewPointCoordinate(coordinate: number, imageSize: number): number {
  let pointCoordinate = coordinate / imageSize;
  if (pointCoordinate < 0) {
    pointCoordinate = 0;
  } else if (pointCoordinate > 1) {
    pointCoordinate = 1;
  return pointCoordinate;