map-models.ts 7.7 KB
/// Copyright © 2016-2020 The Thingsboard Authors
/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
/// limitations under the License.

import { LatLngTuple } from 'leaflet';
import { Datasource, JsonSettingsSchema } from '@app/shared/models/widget.models';
import { Type } from '@angular/core';
import LeafletMap from './leaflet-map';
import { OpenStreetMap, TencentMap, GoogleMap, HEREMap, ImageMap } from './providers';
import {
    openstreetMapSettingsSchema, tencentMapSettingsSchema,
    googleMapSettingsSchema, hereMapSettingsSchema, imageMapSettingsSchema
} from './schemes';

export type GenericFunction = (data: FormattedData, dsData: FormattedData[], dsIndex: number) => string;
export type MarkerImageFunction = (data: FormattedData, dsData: FormattedData[], dsIndex: number) => string;
export type GetTooltip = (point: FormattedData, setTooltip?: boolean) => string;
export type PosFuncton = (origXPos, origYPos) => { x, y };

export type MapSettings = {
    draggableMarker: boolean;
    initCallback?: () => any;
    posFunction: PosFuncton;
    defaultZoomLevel?: number;
    disableScrollZooming?: boolean;
    minZoomLevel?: number;
    useClusterMarkers: boolean;
    latKeyName?: string;
    lngKeyName?: string;
    xPosKeyName?: string;
    yPosKeyName?: string;
    imageEntityAlias: string;
    imageUrlAttribute: string;
    mapProvider: MapProviders;
    mapProviderHere: string;
    mapUrl?: string;
    mapImageUrl?: string;
    provider?: MapProviders;
    credentials?: any; // declare credentials format
    gmApiKey?: string;
    defaultCenterPosition?: LatLngTuple;
    useDefaultCenterPosition?: boolean;
    gmDefaultMapType?: string;
    useLabelFunction: string;
    icon?: any;
    zoomOnClick: boolean,
    maxZoom: number,
    showCoverageOnHover: boolean,
    animate: boolean,
    maxClusterRadius: number,
    chunkedLoading: boolean,
    removeOutsideVisibleBounds: boolean,
    useCustomProvider: boolean,
    customProviderTileUrl: string;

export enum MapProviders {
    google = 'google-map',
    openstreet = 'openstreet-map',
    here = 'here',
    image = 'image-map',
    tencent = 'tencent-map'

export type MarkerSettings = {
    tooltipPattern?: any;
    tooltipAction: { [name: string]: actionsHandler };
    icon?: any;
    showLabel?: boolean;
    label: string;
    labelColor: string;
    labelText: string;
    useLabelFunction: boolean;
    draggableMarker: boolean;
    showTooltip?: boolean;
    useTooltipFunction: boolean;
    useColorFunction: boolean;
    color?: string;
    autocloseTooltip: boolean;
    showTooltipAction: string;
    useClusterMarkers: boolean;
    currentImage?: string;
    useMarkerImageFunction?: boolean;
    markerImages?: string[];
    markerImageSize: number;
    fitMapBounds: boolean;
    markerImage: string;
    markerClick: { [name: string]: actionsHandler };
    colorFunction: GenericFunction;
    tooltipFunction: GenericFunction;
    labelFunction: GenericFunction;
    markerImageFunction?: MarkerImageFunction;
    markerOffsetX: number;
    markerOffsetY: number;

export interface FormattedData {
    $datasource: Datasource;
    entityName: string;
    dsIndex: number;
    deviceType: string;
    [key: string]: any

export type PolygonSettings = {
    showPolygon: boolean;
    polygonKeyName: string;
    polKeyName: string;// deprecated
    polygonStrokeOpacity: number;
    polygonOpacity: number;
    polygonStrokeWeight: number;
    polygonStrokeColor: string;
    polygonColor: string;
    showPolygonTooltip: boolean;
    autocloseTooltip: boolean;
    showTooltipAction: string;
    tooltipAction: { [name: string]: actionsHandler };
    polygonTooltipPattern: string;
    usePolygonTooltipFunction: boolean;
    polygonClick: { [name: string]: actionsHandler };
    usePolygonColorFunction: boolean;
    polygonTooltipFunction: GenericFunction;
    polygonColorFunction?: GenericFunction;

export type PolylineSettings = {
    usePolylineDecorator: any;
    autocloseTooltip: boolean;
    showTooltipAction: string;
    useColorFunction: any;
    tooltipAction: { [name: string]: actionsHandler };
    color: string;
    useStrokeOpacityFunction: any;
    strokeOpacity: number;
    useStrokeWeightFunction: any;
    strokeWeight: number;
    decoratorOffset: string | number;
    endDecoratorOffset: string | number;
    decoratorRepeat: string | number;
    decoratorSymbol: any;
    decoratorSymbolSize: any;
    useDecoratorCustomColor: any;
    decoratorCustomColor: any;

    colorFunction: GenericFunction;
    strokeOpacityFunction: GenericFunction;
    strokeWeightFunction: GenericFunction;

export interface HistorySelectSettings {
    buttonColor: string;

export interface MapImage {
    imageUrl: string;
    aspect: number;
    update?: boolean;

export type TripAnimationSettings = {
    showPoints: boolean;
    pointColor: string;
    pointSize: number;
    pointTooltipOnRightPanel: boolean;
    usePointAsAnchor: boolean;
    normalizationStep: number;
    showPolygon: boolean;
    latKeyName: string;
    lngKeyName: string;
    rotationAngle: number;
    label: string;
    tooltipPattern: string;
    useTooltipFunction: boolean;
    useLabelFunction: boolean;
    pointAsAnchorFunction: GenericFunction;
    tooltipFunction: GenericFunction;
    labelFunction: GenericFunction;

export type actionsHandler = ($event: Event, datasource: Datasource) => void;

export type UnitedMapSettings = MapSettings & PolygonSettings & MarkerSettings & PolylineSettings & TripAnimationSettings;

interface IProvider {
    MapClass: Type<LeafletMap>,
    schema: JsonSettingsSchema,
    name: string

export const providerSets: { [key: string]: IProvider } = {
    'openstreet-map': {
        MapClass: OpenStreetMap,
        schema: openstreetMapSettingsSchema,
        name: 'openstreet-map',
    'tencent-map': {
        MapClass: TencentMap,
        schema: tencentMapSettingsSchema,
        name: 'tencent-map'
    'google-map': {
        MapClass: GoogleMap,
        schema: googleMapSettingsSchema,
        name: 'google-map'
    here: {
        MapClass: HEREMap,
        schema: hereMapSettingsSchema,
        name: 'here'
    'image-map': {
        MapClass: ImageMap,
        schema: imageMapSettingsSchema,
        name: 'image-map'

export const defaultSettings: any = {
    xPosKeyName: 'xPos',
    yPosKeyName: 'yPos',
    markerOffsetX: 0.5,
    markerOffsetY: 1,
    latKeyName: 'latitude',
    lngKeyName: 'longitude',
    polygonKeyName: 'coordinates',
    showLabel: false,
    label: '${entityName}',
    showTooltip: false,
    useDefaultCenterPosition: false,
    showTooltipAction: 'click',
    autocloseTooltip: false,
    showPolygon: false,
    labelColor: '#000000',
    color: '#FE7569',
    polygonColor: '#0000ff',
    polygonStrokeColor: '#fe0001',
    polygonOpacity: 0.5,
    polygonStrokeOpacity: 1,
    polygonStrokeWeight: 1,
    useLabelFunction: false,
    markerImages: [],
    strokeWeight: 2,
    strokeOpacity: 1.0,
    initCallback: () => { },
    defaultZoomLevel: 8,
    disableScrollZooming: false,
    minZoomLevel: 16,
    credentials: '',
    markerClusteringSetting: null,
    draggableMarker: false,
    fitMapBounds: true

export const hereProviders = [